*Project Title: Devins-Lewis Independent Agency Paper *Date Started: March 6, 2017//August 10, 2021 *Current date: Feburary 6, 2022 *Data: Agency Skills Ratings, 2014 and 2020 *Notes: Devins and Lewis Analysis of the influence ratings. import excel "C:\Users\lewisde\Documents\Devins Independent Agency Project\Memo Materials--2022\infl_ratings_devins_lewis_120221.xlsx", sheet("Sheet1") firstrow **Analysis of the difference of means: 2014 summarize infl_rating **T-test by whether or not an agency is an independent commission (indcom) ttest infl_rating, by (indcom) **T-test by whether or not a commission is a major commission (major) ttest infl_rating if indcom==1, by(major)