PhD students in the departments of Economics and Political Science at Vanderbilt can access High-Performance Cluster services through the ACCRE cluster.

Why use the cluster? You can log in to ACCRE from Vanderbilt or remotely to run a computational job non-stop for up to 14 days, use large amounts of memory to open files and or handle large matrices (32 Gb, 256 Gb) and run many (dozens, hundreds) of processes concurrently.

Each user on ACCRE receives 25Gb of space on a home directory and an additional 100Gb of scratch space for data, etc.

On this website you will find:

  • Steps to sign-up.
  • Policies and regulations for PhD student use of the cluster (these are department-specific and supplementary to ACCRE policies). Econ and PoliSci.
  • How to use the cluster productively: setup, hints and tricks.
  • How-tos for running R and Stata jobs.


Some key links from ACCRE:


The Social Science Cluster website is a joint effort of the Departments of Economics and Political Science. Currently managed by Brenton Kenkel (Poli Sci) and Alejandro Molnar (Econ). Please email if you’d like to contribute additions or code.