Graduate Student Coursework
Vanderbilt University (2015-Present)
Second Language Acquisition: Current Theories and Research (Stacey Johnson, 2019) Methods of Educational Research: Qualitative (Deborah Rowe, 2018) Apprenticeship Teaching (Virginia Scott, 2017) Medieval French Literature (Lynn Ramey, 2017) 19th Century French Literature (Robert Barsky, 2017) French Literary Theory (William Franke, 2016) Applied French Linguistics (Virginia Scott, 2016) Introduction to Research (Todd Hughes and Lynn Ramey, 2016) 18th Century French Literature (Hanna Roman, 2016) Radical Political Theory (Marc Froment-Meurice, 2016) Francophone Caribbean Literature (Paul Miller, 2016) Gender and Pedagogy (Melanie Adley, 2016) French Jewish Intellectuals (Nathalie Debrauwere-Miller, 2015)
Francophone Literature (Anthère Nzabatsinda, 2015)
Foreign Language Teaching Methodology (Eva Dessein, 2015)
University of Maryland (2013-2015)
Le Roman algérien (Valerie Orlando, 2015)
Literary Translation (Loretta Clough, 2015)
Transnational Theory (Hester Baer and Ryan Long, 2014)
Autofiction, 20-21ème siècles (Mercédès Baillargeon, 2014)
Histoire de la langue française (Mary Ellen Scullen, 2014)
Literary Theory (Andrea Frisch, 2014)
Théâtre français, 20ème (Caroline Eades, 2014)
Cinema and Empire (Caroline Eades and Elizabeth Papazian, 2013)
Lettres des femmes de lettres, 18ème (Sarah Benharrech, 2013)
Récit de voyage, 17ème (Hervé Campange, 2013)
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