Publications & Working Papers


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

  • Zimmer, R., Henry, G. & Kho, A. (2017). The Effects of School Turnaround in Tennessee’s Achievement School District and Innovation Zones. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. Published online first:
  • Kho, A., Zimmer, R. & McEachin, A. (Under Review). An Examination of the Performance Levels of Students Served by Charter Schools
  • Viano, S., Pham, L., Henry, G., Kho, A. & Zimmer, R. (Under Review). Pushing and Pulling: The Value of School-Level Factors for Teachers in Low Performing Schools.

Policy Reports

  • Kho, A., Henry, G., Zimmer, R. & Pham, L. (2018). How has iZone Teacher Recruitment Affected the Performance of Other Schools? Tennessee Education Research Alliance.
  • Henry, G., Zimmer, R., Kho, A., Pham, L. (2017). Recruitment and Retention of Teachers in Tennessee’s Achievement School District and iZone Schools. Tennessee Education Research Alliance.
  • Zimmer, R., Kho, A., Henry, G., Viano, S. (2015). Evaluation of the Effect of Tennessee’s Achievement School District on Student Test Scores. Tennessee Consortium on Research, Evaluation, and Development.
  • Henry, G., Zimmer, R., Attridge, J, Kho, A. & Viano, S. (2014). Teacher and Student Migration In and Out of Tennessee’s Achievement School District. Tennessee Consortium on Research, Evaluation, and Development.


Working Papers

  • Kho, A. Free Meals for All? The Effect of the Community Eligibility Provision Program in Tennessee
  • Kho, A., Henry, G. & Zimmer, R. Is It a Zero-Sum Game? Systemic Effects of Recruiting High-Performing Teachers for School Turnaround
  • Kho, A. An Evaluation of Tennessee’s Charter Schools: Examining Charter Types and Heterogeneous Effects
  • Kho, A. & Zimmer, R. The Role of Student Race in Enrollment and Transfer Decisions into Tennessee’s Charter Schools and Magnet Schools

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