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math stuff

My research interests are primarily in graph theory and combinatorics. In particular, I work on Ramsey theory and extremal problems for graphs, hypergraphs, and other combinatorial structures. I am also interested in working on open problems from finite model theory, complexity theory, and the developing area of graph limits. Feel free to read my research statement for more information.

Here is a list of my papers. The papers have links to pdf versions where available. Any comments or ideas are welcome!

Published Papers

  • A (5,5)-colouring of the complete graph with few colours  (with Emily Heath), Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, Cambridge University Press (2018). Published version and early arXiv version.
  • Extremal numbers for directed hypergraphs with two edges, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 25(1), P1.56 (2018). Published version (Free, but requires account) and early arXiv version: part 1part 2.
  • Counting ring homomorphisms, The Pi Mu Epsilon Journal, 13:2(Spring 2010), 65–67.

Other Papers

  • An explicit edge-coloring of the complete graph with six colors on every 5-clique, submitted (2018). arXiv version.
  • Extremal problems on generalized directed hypergraphs, a set of research notes (2016). arXiv version.