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Hutterites: Over Four-Centuries of Simple Living

Hutterites are located in colonies in the US, in the mid-west and Rocky Mountain regions, as well as in Canada, and a single colony in Japan. Historically though, Hutterites originated in Switzerland in the 1500s. The group continued to be persecuted and moved into Eastern Europe, before migrating to the US for religious freedom. The community is a branch of the Anabaptism movement, first founded in 1525. Jacob Hutter was the leader of a group of Anabaptist, who, after reuniting a splintered group, moved them to Moravia in Germany and developed the first commune.

Image result for hutteritesHutterites believe that God calls out the faithful to live together, in a purposeful and devoted community. The family unit is crucial and the basis for the community’s structure. They believe that in living together, working together, and eating together, they can follow more closely in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. They are also pacifists and believe in baptism and confession of sins.


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The homes are typically duplexes so that families are close to each other. The grass is perfectly trimmed and the communities are full of beautiful and perfectly cared for flower bed and gardens. Surrounding the homestead are large, industrial fields that are maintained by massive farm equipment. Each community has a large school and church and large areas for the children to play games, such as volleyball and baseball.

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While many are dressed like Amish or Mennonites, there is a stark contrast to the technology and cars present in the community. The largest difference between the Hutterites and other groups is their relationship and use of electricity and industrial equipment. Over the past four-decades, various colonies of Hutterites have slowly integrated more technology and modern inventions into their lives. This is most evident in their farms. Many look indistinguishable to other large, commercial farms.

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The group is similar in that the colonies exist in nature and is removed from society. Additionally, all capital is held by the community and allotted to families, which is common among communes. Lastly, there is an emphasis on living simply and loving one another. The society believes that a fraction of what is waiting in heaven, a utopia, can be achieved on Earth through right living and in communing with like-minded believers. The religious aspect is the absolute most important and happiness is found in traditions and living simply.



History Overview

Summary of Beliefs 

Photo Gallery 
