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Mark, Rajneeshpuram

(It would be helpful if you could add a title, as well as integrate your images throughout the post to make the reader’s experience more cohesive and comprehensive. Also, it would be beneficial to add captions to the images to make clear their relevance. -Scarlett)


Rajneeshees (dressed in their iconic red and orange garb) walk about Rajneeshpuram


Time and Place

  • Rajneeshpuram was a intentional community constructed in rural Oregon near the small town of Antelope, OR
  • The land that became Rajneeshpuram was purchased by the Rajneesh group in 1981
  • The community met its demise in 1985 when a large group of commune leaders fled the community and criminal activity was uncovered


  • Dynamic meditation: Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (commune leader) stated this would enable people to experience divinity
  • Free love, sex, peace, community
  • Sex as the first step toward superconsciousness

A video demonstrating the dynamic meditation techniques employed by the Rajneeshees for enlightenment

Cult, Commune, Community

  • After moving the group from India to Oregon, the Sannayasins set up an agriculturally based community that blossomed into a full blown community with the resources of a small city (What kind of agriculture? What did they grow? What did they eat? I like that you mentioned this.  -Mecca.)
  • Legal battles with the city of Antelope ensued, but Rajneeshees prevailed with a court decision in their favor
  • Governor Vic Atiyeh: “Regardless of the religious beliefs or practices of this group, they are entitled to every right afforded under our Constitution”

Extralegal Expansion Tactics

  • The commune’s downfall came about after several criminal activities including the largest bioterror attack in US history, alleged attempted murder, and a forced influx of homeless people to the commune to add voting power to the Rajneeshees
  • Largest illegal wire tapping operating ever discovered
  • Planned assassination of US Attorney Charles Turner

Similarities to Other Communes

  • The basis for Rajneeshpuram was initially a self-sustaining agricultural community, but things spiraled out of control when they attempted to incorporate as a town
  • Locals did not want this, and Sannyasins turned to illegal tactics to bypass their protests

Capitalism in the Commune?

  • The Bhagwan (leader) taught about the value of material goods and wealth
  • The New York Times reported in 1986 that he had approximately 85 New Rolls-Royces


(I really like how you included a video, but I agree with Scarlett about image integration. I also think paragraph-style form could be useful, as well as more context around the Sannayasins, etc. It’s also really ironic that these people promoted concepts like love and peace, though they seemed to act differently. Was this to cover up their actions, or did something make them “turn”? Where do you think they went wrong in their attempt to establish a town? And if they did anything differently, do you think they would have been successful?- Paige) 


(I appreciated how you covered a variety of themes related to this topic. I agree with Paige and Scarlett on the layout. -Mecca)


Dynamic meditation


Bhagwan leading prayer


Upper-level community leaders speaking to the press regarding legal battles

bhagwan flexin w rolls royce

Bhagwan with one of his many Rolls Royces