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Nanoscale Characterization of Ballistic Specimens, Anthony B. Hmelo, Pasquale L. Iafelice, & Thomas W. Kephart

Nanoballistics Team Photo IMG_4234
Tom Kephart, Pasquale Iafelice and Anthony Hmelo


Vanderbilt University has established a research collaboration with the Scientific Police Department of the Italian State Police (SPS — Servizio Polizia Scientifica) to take forensic science to the nanoscale.

Microanalysis in Nanoballistics
X-ray microanalysis in the Scanning Electron Microscopy improves elemental contrast and helps match recovered ammunition to specific weapons in the task of firearms identification

On Oct. 24, the university signed an official memorandum of understanding to collaborate with Italian forensic scientists in the SPS (the Italian version of the FBI) in the areas of “physics and mathematical models for quantitative forensic science.”

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Dr. Pasquale Iafelice leads Chem 2215W undergraduates in the forensics examination of spent cartridge cases on January 17, 2018

Vanderbilt’s initiative in Nanoballistics has been featured in the news here:

Forensic science comes to Vanderbilt


Vanderbilt, Italian State Police Announce Collaborations on Firearms, Other Quantitative Evidence


Vanderbilt partners with Italian police to improve forensic techniques


La Polizia Scientifica vola negli USA: firmato accordo di collaborazione con una delle più prestigiose università americane