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About Me


As a 20-year-old college student in his second year at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN, Andrew Roth has a unique drive that propels him to succeed. In 2015, Andrew began his entrepreneurial journey by starting Champions for Charity, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in his hometown of Shaker Heights, OH. He quickly learned about the challenges of running a business, but even more rapidly learned how to bounce back and return stronger. Andrew still runs Champions for Charity, an organization that now has 14 student employees, and raises tens of thousands of dollars each year for charities across the nation.

Over the last few years, Andrew’s business experience continued to grow, with the founding of CollegeTech (acquired in Summer 2018), as well as MarketplaceU, and Roth Young Entrepreneur Consulting. In the summer of 2017, Andrew worked for a variety of startups, playing an essential role in increasing sales and adding his unique creativity and design. For TenantMagic LLC, Andrew worked on search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) to increase monthly sales over 1060%. In the summer of 2018, Andrew worked with the Cleveland Clinic’s Global Cardiovascular Innovation Center, as an intern with the Cleveland Clinic Venture team leading the implementation of Tableau, a data visualization software, under the direction of Chief Financial Officer Steve Glass.

Currently, Andrew is working on a number of different startups, including a breakthrough software system with a fellow student at Vanderbilt University destined to change the restaurant payment experience.