“A Series of Blog Critiques: the Good, the Bad, and the Bloggy”
The conversation switches from ice cream to the new iPhone to Jerry Seinfeld in a matter of minutes. Welcome the sassy teenager of the tech world. Gizmodo is primarily a source for tech-minded individuals to get the latest on the good, the bad, and the pixelated.
Though I myself fall into the “technologically challenged” category, I am still entertained by new inventions, prototype products, and disgruntled consumer rants. I am sure, however, that there are many people who are absolutely thrilled to discuss the latest thing-a-ma-bob that fixes that computer whatsitcalled.
Gizmodo is fabulously tailored to its audience but is also an inviting place for a concerned consumer doing some basic tech research. So though, in metaphoric terms, you might be glad not to spend a whole lot of time with that annoying neighbor kid and their loud techno toys, it’s sure nice to know that they can fix your WiFi for you.