Author Archives: Henry Wang

Gravity & General Relativity

You throw something up in the air and it falls down. Why? Gravity, obviously, everyone knows that. But what really is gravity? By most common knowledge, gravity is one of the four fundamental forces, and has a lot more to it than just making things fall. Gravity actually works as an attraction between two masses, […] Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context: Galileo Galilei

Galileo (1564-1642) was important to astronomy for many reasons. Galileo invented one of the first versions of a telescope, based on a spyglass, that he used to view the sky. His first major discovery was that the moon isn’t smooth, it has mountains, craters, and features on its surface. He then discovered many interesting things, […] Continue reading

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Blog #1

A sight everyone has seen is the moon, shining brightly over the dark shadows of night. But have you ever wondered why it looks so different all the time? The answer is that the moon is just a rock, not a glowing one, so all of the light we see is just reflected sunlight. Since […] Continue reading

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Blog #0

This is a place I visited last year!

Gran Turismo

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