Tag Archives: blog7


Tardigrades are the toughest animals that we have yet discovered, not due to their physical strength, but rather their incredible ability to survive. People praise cockroaches for their ability to survive levels of radiation that would be lethal to humans, but the real heroes are microscopic “water bears” called tardigrades. Tardigrades are extremophiles, or micro-organisms … Continue reading Tardigrades Continue reading

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A semester wrestling pessimism and optimism

Here are two things I’ve been doing this semester (in addition to taking this course) Watching Star Trek: The Next Generation Taking an investigative writing course focusing… Read more “A semester wrestling pessimism and optimism” Continue reading

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The Final (frontier) Post

Throughout the semester, I learned about things I had never thought of including the moons of others planets, tiny microbes living in extreme conditions, and astronomical objects here on Earth. Each of these topics and more helped me grasp the scope of the universe and the solar system we live in. There are so many […] Continue reading

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Reflections: A Year of Astronomical Study

As my freshman year of college draws to a bitter sweet and slightly chaotic close, I’ve been doing some major thinking about about the events of the past school year. I fell in love with astronomy from the very first lecture I attended, way back in August of last year. While my first semester gave … Continue reading Reflections: A Year of Astronomical Study Continue reading

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String theory – the other way of interpreting our universe

The string theory is a very interesting idea that propose another totally different way of thinking what made up our universe. Although this theory is very arguable because it can never be tested in our labs so that a lot of physicist do not like this theory, but it indeed gives a very unique prospective … Continue reading String theory – the other way of interpreting our universe Continue reading

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With a recent picture of a blackhole becoming the newest internet sensation I thought it might be neat to talk about my favorite word, spaghettification. In class we’ve talked about tidal forces, that is the force differential between the close part and the far part to a gravitational source. On the small scale, such as … Continue reading Speghettification Continue reading

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Celebrity Scientists

For my last blog, I wanted to write about something that was somewhat related to astronomy: celebrity scientists. Specifically, I wanted my last blog to be why Bill Nye is not a scientist. He should not be having millions of followers or appearing at colleges and talk shows (not scientists should be creating a “brand” … Continue reading Celebrity Scientists Continue reading

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Astrobiology, The Future.

Space Travel I am still trying to decide whether my admiration for Elon Musk is because of his electric vehicles (S-3-X-Y) or his passion for space exploration. The topic of space exploration leads me to a scientific field I would like to talk about briefly, Astrobiology. Wikipedia defines Astrobiology as “an interdisciplinary scientific field concerned … Continue reading Astrobiology, The Future. Continue reading

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Chroococcidiopsis Aboard EXPOSE-R2

Chroococcidiopsis was sent aboard EXPOSE-R2 as part of the Biofilm Organisms Surfing Space (BOSS) experiment on July 24, 2014. Its goal was to test the hypothesis that “microorganisms grown as biofilms, hence embedded in self-produced extracellular polymeric substances, are more tolerant to space and Martian conditions compared to their planktonic counterparts” (or, put simply, to … Continue reading Chroococcidiopsis Aboard EXPOSE-R2 Continue reading

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The End of a Course, But The Start of a Passion!

What a ride this class has been! The sheer amount of new topics and discoveries I learned about is ridiculous, but my favorite has definitely got to be regarding the unknowns and potentials for life in our universe, or even our own Solar System! Learning about worlds such as Europa and Titan, and the liquid … Continue reading The End of a Course, But The Start of a Passion! Continue reading

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