Tag Archives: blog7

The Fermi Paradox and the Great Filter

The claim that because we have yet to interact with intelligent life beyond Earth, extra-terrestrial life therefore does not exist, is as unsubstantiated as an observer claiming the oceans are verifiably devoid of life as evidenced by the sixty seconds in which he/she glanced at the water’s surface from shore. If our galaxy were teeming … Continue reading The Fermi Paradox and the Great Filter Continue reading

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MEET the home of E.T.?

Liquid water, energy and organic material. According to NASA’s director of planetary science, James Green, these are the major criteria needed for life to form. Green and the rest of his NASA colleagues have also identified four extraterrestrial worlds in our Solar System that hold particular potential for the possibility of life. These worlds encompass one … Continue reading MEET the home of E.T.? Continue reading

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The “Archaeological-Form” of the Drake Equation

  The Revised Equation   The Drake Equation is a very useful tool to speculate on one of the most intriguing questions of all time: are there other intelligent lifeforms out there in the universe? The equation helps to predict the odds of the existence of other civilizations. It is all still speculation, but recently … Continue reading The “Archaeological-Form” of the Drake Equation Continue reading

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The “Archaeological-Form” of the Drake Equation

  The Revised Equation   The Drake Equation is a very useful tool to speculate on one of the most intriguing questions of all time: are there other intelligent lifeforms out there in the universe? The equation helps to predict the odds of the existence of other civilizations. It is all still speculation, but recently … Continue reading The “Archaeological-Form” of the Drake Equation Continue reading

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The Great Filter

A lesser-known cousin of the Fermi Paradox is “The Great Filter.” The filter refers to a point in a species’ development that destroys most, if not all life. Essentially, the reason that the paradox exists must be because something is stopping other civilizations– all other civilizations. For us Earthlings, there are two possibilities: the filter … Continue reading The Great Filter Continue reading

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Project Orion: Blasting Off to the Stars

In the late 1950’s and early 1960’s the US was in the midst of the cold war. At that point, the American space program had fallen far behind Soviet rocket technology. Desperate to upstage the Soviets, the US began to pour funding into seemingly crazy technological research. One of these projects being Project Orion. In … Continue reading Project Orion: Blasting Off to the Stars Continue reading

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Project Orion: Blasting Off to the Stars

In the late 1950’s and early 1960’s the US was in the midst of the cold war. At that point, the American space program had fallen far behind Soviet rocket technology. Desperate to upstage the Soviets, the US began to pour funding into seemingly crazy technological research. One of these projects being Project Orion. In … Continue reading Project Orion: Blasting Off to the Stars Continue reading

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What Is Hyperthermophile

Hyperthermophile is an organism that is able to live and thrive at high temperatures, compared to the suitable environment for survival for most of the lives on Earth. For example, a hyperthermophile can handle a temperature above 80°C, which is 176-degree Fahrenheit. The first identified hyperthermophile is Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, which is both a hyperthermophile and … Continue reading What Is Hyperthermophile Continue reading

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Life in Our Solar System

One of the biggest questions that philosophers and scientists alike ask: Are we alone in the universe? Is it possible that there’s sentient life outside of our small blue planet? The Fermi Paradox asks us this question. The universe is so big. Using even the most conservative estimations of exoplanets in the habitable zone, calculations […] Continue reading

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Life in Our Solar System

One of the biggest questions that philosophers and scientists alike ask: Are we alone in the universe? Is it possible that there’s sentient life outside of our small blue planet? The Fermi Paradox asks us this question. The universe is so big. Using even the most conservative estimations of exoplanets in the habitable zone, calculations […] Continue reading

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