Biomaterials at Vanderbilt

Somto Dimobi wins first place in technical research at the National Society of Black Engineers’ Region III Fall Regional Conference

Posted by on Tuesday, November 29, 2016 in News.

Somto-Dimobi-258x300Congrats to Somto for winning first place for technical research presentation at the recent National Society of Black Engineers’ region III meeting in Atlanta!

Heidi Hall from VU Engineering wrote a nice story about Somto’s award–you can read the rest of Heidi’s article on the VU Engineering website. 

Somtochukwu “Somto” Dimobi threw herself into research the minute she could after arriving from Lagos, Nigeria, to major in chemical engineering at Vanderbilt.

Now, the sophomore is collecting national kudos for research in biomedical engineering, an accomplishment she attributes to the university’s cross-collaborative culture and a popular program that pays undergraduates to pursue their engineering passions.

Dimobi (ChBE’19) won first place in technical research at the National Society of Black Engineers’ Region III Fall Regional Conference, held in Atlanta Nov. 4-6. Her project title was “Validation of a Galectin-8 Reporter as a Measure of Nanocarrier Endosomal Escape and Biologic Drug Intracellular Bioavailability.”

Dimobi’s research involved validating a method to measure how much drug escapes from delivery vessels and destroys target genes. She used confocal microscopy to make a visual representation of the drug’s efficacy.

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