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Progress Report 4 – January 28th, 2019

  • Previous goals from project assignment:
    • Complete defining parameters of quantification system
    • Identify products to order to begin testing
    • Gather momentum as a team as we come back from winter break
  • What we did to accomplish these goals:
    • We had a meeting with our advisor, Dr. Schorn, to discuss the current state and future direction of the project in order to define the scope. Through this meeting and further brainstorming, we determined the design challenges we face include integration into the clinical space, selectivity for blood specifically, and accuracy. We brainstormed concepts for our filter and are leaning towards pursuing a sandwich filter design.
    • We identified GelMax Super-Absorbant Pad as our first absorptive to test. This is a polymer based pad that soaks up a large amount of liquid into the polymer crystals without leaking. We believe that we can assess the saturation of this pad and thereby quantify blood absorbed into the pad.
    • Much of our group’s progress so far has been ideation up until this point. We are working to wrap up this stage by identifying tangible steps to take such as ordering gels and beginning experimental testing. We have decided on a parallel development approach where we will simultaneously work on developing the filtration system and the quantification system side-by-side.
  • What went wrong; what we need help on; what we did not accomplish:
    • We are having difficulties as a team to move past the ideation stage. While we are brainstorming fantastic ideas, we need to push harder to produce tangible results from testing on materials at this stage.
    • In order to test, we need to acquire a real blood sample or a blood mimicking sample. However, we have explored various avenues to acquire these samples but to no avail. In the meantime, we will be using other blood-substitute solutions to test.
  • How we can fix errors; how we can accomplish unfinished goals:
    • To procure a blood sample that mimics blood more than just it’s viscosity and color, we need to be more creative in seeking out places to get blood samples from. For instance, we can reach out to butcher shops in the greater Nashville area to inquire about the availability of animal blood.
    • As a team, we just simply need to set a deadline on deciding what materials to order, so we can start testing on what we have.
  • Additional goals for next week; how we’re going to accomplish them:
    • Purchase materials
    • Begin experimental testing