September 2018 issue of Minding Nature is now online

Posted by on Tuesday, September 25, 2018 in News.

The newest issue (September 2018) of the journal I edit, Minding Nature, is now on line. It features articles on weeding invasive plantsCoversmall in Yellowstone, the joys and challenges of unplugging and simplifying one’s life, sustainable food in Phoenix, reflections on family and loss, cultivating habits of slow looking, and a wide ranging biological essay on the connection between cellular architecture of living things and human culture, imagination, and art. Also on offer are interviews with artist Sandra Dal Poggetto, whose work is featured in this issue, and Caleen Sisk, who is spiritual leader and tribal chief of the Winnemem Wintu of Northern California. I contribute an essay on rethinking concepts of natural duty and ecological covenant in a time of growing planetary crisis. Read the September issue of Minding Nature online or download it in pdf at

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