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I’m hiring a motivated postdoc to work on security for autonomous vehicles and cyber-physical systems. For more information and to apply see here. Feel free to contact me to learn more.


I am an Assistant Professor of Computer Science (primary) and Electrical and Computer Engineering at Vanderbilt University. My research focuses on the design, implementation, and security of real-time and embedded systems, such as autonomous vehicles, industrial control systems, and satellites. I am generally interested in systems security, real-time and cyber-physical systems, distributed and concurrent systems, and operating systems.

Prior to joining Vanderbilt, I was a member of the Technical Staff at MIT Lincoln Laboratory in the Secure Resilient Systems and Technology Group. I earned my Ph.D. in 2016 in Computer Science at UNC Chapel Hill, where I worked with Jim Anderson. I earned a B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering and a B.A. in Mathematics from Bucknell University in 2011. I’m a senior member of the IEEE.


  • My student, Abby Eisenklam, received the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Congrats Abby!
  • RTSS ’24 PC Member
  • EMSOFT ’24 PC Member
  • RTNS ’24 PC Member
  • RTCSA ’24 PC Member
  • Our paper titled “InsectACIDE: Debugger-Based Holistic Asynchronous CFI for Embedded Systems” has been accepted at RTAS ’24
  • Our paper titled “Who’s Afraid of Butterflies?  A Close Examination of the Butterfly Attack” will appear at RTSS ’23, and it has been awarded an Outstanding Paper Award
  • Deputy Track Chair for the Applied Methodologies and Foundations Track at RTAS ’24
  • RTSS ’23 PC Member
  • OSPERT ’23 PC Member
  • EMSOFT ’23 PC Member
  • RTCSA ’23 PC Member
  • ISORC ’23 Finance Chair
