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I’m hiring motivated Ph.D. students to work on systems security, cyber-physical systems, real-time systems, and operating systems.

Ph.D. Students

Undergraduate Students

  • Abby Eisenklam – Winner of the NSF GRFP ’24
  • Owen Rice

Past Students

  • Amanda Horne (MIT Masters of Engineering). Thesis: “Optimizing Memory-Corruption Security Defenses for Real-Time Systems.” Currently at Microsoft
  • Shai Caspin (UNC undergraduate student who worked on a project I supervised). Currently a Ph.D. Student at Princeton. Winner of the NSF GRFP.
  • Claire Nord (MIT Masters of Engineering). Thesis: “Retry-Free Software Transactional Memory for Rust.” Second prize winner of the MIT EECS Charles and Jennifer Johnson Masters of Engineering Thesis Award, and the Carl E. Nielsen Jr. Family Fund Scholarship for the Top MIT EECS student working with Lincoln Laboratory. Currently at Apple.
  • Jakob Weisblat (MIT Masters of Engineering). Thesis: “Improving Security at the System-Call Boundary in a Type-Safe Operating System.” Currently at Zoom.