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The Caldwell and Landman groups were awarded the Chancellor’s Award for Research!

Posted by on Friday, September 2, 2022 in News.

The Caldwell and Landman groups were awarded the Chancellor’s Award for Research at Vanderbilt! This is a unique honor that can only be received by a faculty member once and highlights the overall research from the group and the impact of a specific publication. Here, this was led by graduate student Mingze He of the Materials Science Department at Vanderbilt and was in collaboration with Prof. Landman and his group, along with Prof. Jon-Paul Maria of Penn State and Prof. Tom Folland of the Univ. of Iowa. The work was entitled “Deterministic Inverse Design of Tamm Plasmon Thermal Emitters with Multi-Resonant Control” and was published in Nature Materials in Oct. 2021. (

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