Curriculum Vitae

Celina Elizabeth Callahan-Kapoor

Senior Lecturer

Vanderbilt University, Center for Medicine, Health, and Society




Senior Lecturer, Vanderbilt University Center for Medicine, Health, and Society. August 2016 –



Ph.D.   University of California, Santa Cruz. Degree Conferred, June 2016.

Dissertation Title: Difference and Distinction: Diabetic Publics in the U.S./Mexico Borderlands

Committee Danilyn Rutherford (Chair, co-advisor); Matthew Wolf-Meyer (co-advisor), Charles Briggs, Nancy Chen.

M.A.    Anthropology, Wayne State University, 2008.

B.A.     Social Thought & Political Economy. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1997.




2016    Richard Randolph Graduate Student Paper Prize, University of California, Santa Cruz


2015    UC President’s Dissertation-Year Fellowship

2014    UCSC Department of Anthropology Summer Travel Grant

2012    UC MEXUS Dissertation Research Grant

2012    Wenner-Gren Dissertation Fieldwork Grant

2012    National Science Foundation (NSF) Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant

2011    UC MEXUS Student Research Small Grant

2010    UC Santa Cruz Science & Justice Fellowship Program

2010    Chicano Latino Resource Center Mini-Grant

2010    Department of Anthropology, Regents Fellowship

2008    Graduate Professional Scholarship, Wayne State University



2016    Clinical Rationality and Chronic Subjunctivity, Or, How Physicians use Diabetes and Insomnia to Manage Everyday Life in the United States. Co-authored with Matthew Wolf-Meyer. Medical Anthropology.

Web-based publications

2013    Invisible Interlocutors and the Savage Slot: Conversations at “Medicine on the Edge.” Guest post for Somatosphere. July 18.

2013    Medicine and Science, Unpredicted. Guest post for June 17.

Works in Progress

In preparation. Exiting Diabetesville: Living Under the Spectre of Diabetes in the Borderlands.



Panels Organized

2016    Epidemiography and the Inscription of Public Health. Society for Cultural Anthropology Bienniel Meeting. Ithaca, NY. May 13th. Panel Co-Chair.

2015    Presumptive Diagnosis: Locating Temporal Bodies Through Biomedicine and Scientific Knowledge. American Anthropological Association Meeting. Denver, CO. November 20th. Panel Co-Chair.

Papers Presented

2016    Contemporary Colonialisms in the US/Mexico Borderlands?: Locating the Colonial Present in Diabetes Care. American Anthropological Association. Denver, CO. November 18th.

2016    “Mediating the Region, Mediating Diabetes: Portable Pandemic in Statistics and Film.” Society for Cultural Anthropology. Ithaca, NY. May 13th.

2015    “Indians, Inbreeding, and Ethnic Blood: Diabetes as Time and Scale-making.” American Anthropological Association Meeting. Denver, CO. November 18-22nd.

2015    “Disabling Citizenship: gatekeepers and signature deferral.” American Ethnological Society Meeting. San Diego, CA. March 12-15.

2014    “Humanitarianism at Home: caring for bodies, doing good work.” American Anthropological Association Meeting. Washington, D.C. December 3-7.

2014    “Chemicals, Chronic Conditions, and Causation Narratives: diabetes, defoliant exposure, and agrochemicals in the Rio Grande Valley.” Society for Cultural Anthropology. Detroit, MI. May 9-10.

2014    “Don’t Quote me on That”: Public and Private Conversations about Diabetes. Society for Applied Anthropology/Society for Medical Anthropology. Albuquerque, NM. March 18-22.

2010    “Exceptionally Normal Spaces? Bodies and Borderlands in the United States.” Presented at Ethnographic Engagements Workshop. University of California, Santa Cruz.

2008    “Troubling the Concept of Stigma.” American Anthropological Association Meeting. San Francisco, CA. November 19-23.

2008    “Unraveling the black box of HIV/AIDS-related stigma: From individual narratives to systems of power.” Society for Applied Anthropology/Society for Medical Anthropology. March 25-29.

2004    “Disclosure, Community Responsibility, Peer Advocacy and Trust: Mount Sinai patients respond to the SHAST Project.” HRSA (Human Resource Service Administration) and EPPEC (Enhancing Prevention with Positives Education Center). Washington, DC. November 20-22.




Doctoral Dissertation Research, Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas.

Conducted two years of participant observation, ethnographic interviews, and media analysis of the social, political, and economic situatedness of diabetes.


Principal Investigator. “Recombinant Possibilities: A Study into Americans and their dogs as a form of American Kinship.” Ann Arbor and Detroit, Michigan.  Interviewed 20 families, conducted participant observation during pet adoptions, and used visual and mapping techniques.


Research Assistant, Hannan Archival Research Project. Wayne State University.

Interdisciplinary archival research on women’s experience with foundation support before social security.


Research Assistant, Mount Sinai Hospital, Chicago, Illinois. HIV Prevention Project. Interviewed patients, conducted medical chart reviews, coded and analyzed data for multiple article submissions.



Statistics & the Self, Vanderbilt University, Center for Medicine, Health, and Society (Spring 2017)

Theories of the Body, Vanderbilt University, Center for Medicine, Health, and Society (Spring 2017)

Politics of Health, Vanderbilt University, Center for Medicine, Health, and Society (Fall & Spring 2016)

Bodies and Borders, Smith College, Latino and Latin American Studies (Winter 2015)

Teaching Assistantships

Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, UC Santa Cruz, Anthropology. (Spring 2009)

Anthropology and Law, UC Santa Cruz, Anthropology. (Winter 2009)

Race and Anthropology, UC Santa Cruz, Anthropology. (Fall 2009)

Inside Mexico, UC Santa Cruz, Anthropology. (Winter 2010)

Human Functional Anatomy, UC Santa Cruz, Anthropology. (Winter 2010)

Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, UC Santa Cruz, Anthropology. (Spring 2011)

Invited Lectures

2015    “Mediating Diabetes: rethinking the truth in numbers.” Writing Ethnography for Public Health. Hunter College, School of Urban Public Health.

2014    “Chronic Publics and Colonial Pasts: Fieldwork Considerations in the Texas/Mexico borderlands.” ANTH 4315/6315: Field Experience in the Borderlands. University of Texas, Pan American.


Chronic illness and everyday life; national identity and belonging; borderlands; normalcy; publics; ethnographic methods; colonialism and bodies; health disparities and the concept of ‘health’; science and technology studies.


Ethnographic Engagements Workshop. Student Coordinator, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Santa Cruz. 2009-2011

Graduate Student Representative to the Anthropology Faculty. Wayne State University Department of Anthropology. 2008


Society for Cultural Anthropology, Assistant. January 2010-June 2011.

Medical Anthropology Quarterly, Editorial Assistant. May 2008 – August 2008.


Spanish: Spoken, advanced; Reading and Writing, intermediate.


Rapid Ethnographic Assessment Technique: Group data collection, analysis and report preparation.

Research Talk, Inc. Training: Introduction to atlas.ti, memos, coding and analysis techniques.