Kinder, Donald R. and Cindy D. Kam. 2009. Us Against Them: Ethnocentric Foundations of American Opinion. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Kam, Cindy D. and Robert J. Franzese, Jr. 2007. Modeling and Interpreting Interactive Hypotheses in Regression Analysis. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
Kam, Cindy D. and Camille D. Burge. 2018. “Uncovering Reactions to the Racial Resentment Scale Across the Racial Divide.” Journal of Politics 80(1): 314-320.
Kam, Cindy D. 2017. “The Polls – Trends: Obesity.” Public Opinion Quarterly 81(4): 973-995.
Kam, Cindy D. and Marc J. Trussler. 2017. “At the Nexus of Experimental and Observational Research: Theory, Specification, and Analysis of Experiments with Heterogeneous Treatment Effects.” Political Behavior 39(4): 789-815.
Levine, Adam Seth and Cindy D. Kam. 2017. “Organizations, Credibility, and the Psychology of Collective Action.” Political Communication 34(2): 200-220.
Kam, Cindy D., Allison M.N. Archer, and John G. Geer. 2017. “Courting the Women’s Vote: The Emotional, Cognitive, and Persuasive Effects of Gender-Based Appeals in Campaign Advertisements.” Political Behavior 39(1): 51-75.
Kam, Cindy D. and Beth A. Estes. 2016. “Disgust Sensitivity and Public Demand for Protection.” Journal of Politics 78(2): 481-496.
Eckles, David, Cindy D. Kam, Cherie L. Maestas, and Brian Schaffner. 2014. “Risk Attitudes and Incumbency Advantage.” Political Behavior 36(4): 731-749.
Utych, Stephen M. and Cindy D. Kam. 2014. “Viability, Information Seeking, and Vote Choice.” Journal of Politics 76(1): 152-166. Replication files.
Kam, Cindy D. and Elizabeth J. Zechmeister. 2013. “Name Recognition and Candidate Support.” American Journal of Political Science 57(4): 971-986.
Kam, Cindy D. and Elizabeth N. Simas. 2012. “Risk Attitudes, Candidate Characteristics, and Vote Choice.” Public Opinion Quarterly 76(4): 747-760.
Kam, Cindy D. 2012. “Risk Attitudes and Political Participation. American Journal of Political Science 56(4): 817-836. Replication files.
Kam, Cindy D. and Donald R. Kinder. 2012. “Ethnocentrism as a Short-Term Force in the 2008 American Presidential Election.” American Journal of Political Science 56(2): 326-340. Replication file.
Kam, Cindy D. and Stephen M. Utych. 2011. “Close Elections and Cognitive Engagement.” Journal of Politics 73(4): 1251-1266.
Kam, Cindy D. and Carl L. Palmer. 2011. “Rejoinder: Re-investigating the Causal Relationship between Higher Education and Political Participation.” Journal of Politics 73(3): 659-663.
Highton, Benjamin and Cindy D. Kam. 2011. “The Long-Term Dynamics of Partisanship and Issue Orientations.” Journal of Politics 73(1): 202-215.
Kam, Cindy D. and Elizabeth N. Simas. 2010. “Risk Orientations and Policy Frames.” Journal of Politics 72(2): 381-396.
Kam, Cindy D. 2009. “Gender and Economic Voting, Revisited.” Electoral Studies, special issue on The American Voter, Revisited, 28(4): 615-624.
Kam, Cindy D. and Jennifer M. Ramos. 2008. “Joining and Leaving the Rally: Understanding the Surge and Decline in Presidential Approval Following 9/11.” Public Opinion Quarterly 72(4): 619-650.
Kam, Cindy D. and Carl L. Palmer. 2008. “Reconsidering the Effects of Education on Political Participation.” Journal of Politics 70(3): 612-631.
Kam, Cindy D. and Yunju Nam. 2008. “Reaching Out or Pulling Back: Macroeconomic Conditions and Public Support for Social Welfare Spending.” Political Behavior 30(2): 223-258.
Kam, Cindy D., Elizabeth J. Zechmeister, and Jennifer R. Wilking. 2008. “From the Gap to the Chasm: Gender and Participation Among Non-Hispanic Whites and Mexican-Americans.” Political Research Quarterly 61(2): 228-238.
Kam, Cindy D., Jennifer R. Wilking, and Elizabeth J. Zechmeister. 2007. “Beyond the ‘Narrow Data Base’: Another Convenience Sample for Experimental Research.” Political Behavior 29(4): 415-440.
Fowler, James H. and Cindy D. Kam. 2007. “Beyond the Self: Social Identity, Altruism, and Political Participation.” Journal of Politics 69(3): 813-827.
Kam, Cindy D. and Robert A. Mikos. 2007. “Do Citizens Care about Federalism? An Experimental Test.” Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 4(3): 589-624.
Kam, Cindy D. 2007. “Implicit Attitudes, Explicit Choices: When Subliminal Priming Predicts Candidate Preference.” Political Behavior 29(3): 343-367.
Kam, Cindy D. and Donald R. Kinder. 2007. “Terror and Ethnocentrism: Foundations of American Support for the War on Terrorism.” Journal of Politics 69(2): 318-336.
Kam, Cindy D. 2007. “When Duty Calls, Do Citizens Answer?” Journal of Politics 69(1): 17-29.
Kam, Cindy D. 2006. “Political Campaigns and Open-Minded Thinking.” Journal of Politics 68(4): 931-945.
Fowler, James H. and Cindy D. Kam. 2006. “Patience as a Political Virtue: Delayed Gratification and Turnout.” Political Behavior 28(2): 113-128.
Kam, Cindy D. and Barbara Sommer. 2006. “Real-Time Polling Technology in a Public Opinion Course.” PS: Political Science and Politics 39(1): 113-117.
Kam, Cindy D. 2005. “Who Toes the Party Line? Cues, Values, and Individual Differences.” Political Behavior 27(2): 163-182.
Other Publications
Kam, Cindy D. 2012. “The Psychological Veracity of Zaller’s Model.” Critical Review 24(4): 545-567.
Druckman, James N. and Cindy D. Kam. 2011. “Students as Experimental Participants: A Defense of the ‘Narrow Data Base’.” In Handbook of Experimental Political Science, eds. James N. Druckman, Donald P. Green, James H. Kuklinski, and Arthur Lupia. New York: Cambridge University Press, 41-57.
Kam, Cindy D. 2010. Review of The Partisan Sort: How Liberals Became Democrats and Conservatives Became Republicans, by Matthew Levendusky. Perspectives on Politics 8(4): 1236-1238.
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