Child Assessment Measures
For more information regarding the child assessment measures used in this study, please visit:
Teacher Report Forms
For more information regarding the child report form scales (completed by each child’s teacher) used in this study, please visit:
Assessment Manual and Supplemental Materials
An assessment administration guide developed as part of this study. It contains information on the administration (script, materials, etc) and scoring for the “final 6” measures of self-regulation identified in this study as being easily administered and the most predictive of achievement gains across the Pre-K year.
Administering the PRI Battery of Learning-Related Cognitive Self-Regulation Measures
As a supplement to the assessment administration guide, access to video clips showing the administration of each of the “final 6” child assessment measures to a preschool age child is available upon request.
Contact PRI by visiting to receive a link and password to access these videos designed to showcase the flow of the script as well as overall material management and placement. As you watch the video clips, you can follow along with the script and also score the child’s responses. A scoring key is provided for each video.
Electronic Scoring Application
As part of this study, an electronic or paperless scoring application was developed and used to capture the child assessment data. This scoring application works with any PC as well as iPad. For more information or to request a copy of this scoring application, please visit: and email the project coordinator.
©2025 Vanderbilt University · This research project was supported by the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, through Grant R305A090079 awarded to Mark Lipsey and Dale C. Farran at Vanderbilt University at the Peabody Research Institute.
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