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Dreaming of Disney

Posted by on Wednesday, March 29, 2017 in Identity and Involvement.

Maggie Wang, ’18, School of Engineering

Engineering and artAs a computer science major, the biggest assumption people make is that my only passion is coding. Even when I share that I am also a Fine Arts major, I am still labeled, first and foremost, an engineer. But, the last place you will find me is in Featheringill, typing away on my computer. Instead, I will likely be procrastinating for my next coding project by sketching or doodling on Photoshop. Even my Facebook profile is void of Hackathon events and tech ads. Instead, my photos and videos depict the life of an animation enthusiast and world traveler.

A conversation with me reveals that I know French and Mandarin better than I could ever hope to know softwares like Java and C++, though I am also deeply passionate about computer science. Studying both computer science and art requires creative problem solving. Studying them together brings balance to my life. I draw freely to balance the rigid guidelines for programming and the black-and-white math formulas, and the company of creative minds allows me to think imaginatively when designing my next mobile application. A deeper look at my web browser activity will show that I follow the research Disney conducts in the process of creating innovative animation software. My passion for foreign cultures stems from my hope to code for a company like Disney that could send me anywhere in the world, requiring global immersion.

Though I’m a computer science major, I pride myself on my artistic and cultural interests. My time at Vanderbilt has shown me that no one person is the same. Everyone has a combination of interests that makes them unique. There’s no single pathway to success, but I know if I continue to pursue what I am most passionate about, I will find a place for myself in the world and a success that allows me to blend all of my interests and talents.

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