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Living in McTyeire

Posted by on Monday, May 15, 2017 in Community.

Arrush Choudhary, ’17
McTyeire Head Resident

McTyeire is a living and learning community that attracts students with a passion for and interest in language acquisition, cultural awareness, and international issues.
McTyeire is a living and learning community that attracts students with a passion for and interest in language acquisition, cultural awareness, and international issues.

Being the Head Resident (HR) and a member of McTyeire International House has been one of the most meaningful experiences I have had during my time at Vanderbilt. McTyeire is a living and learning community that attracts students with a passion for and interest in language acquisition, cultural awareness, and international issues. Students in McTyeire have dinner together Monday through Thursday in addition to weekly study breaks in their respective halls.

Given the amount of time that McTyeire residents spend together, a strong sense of community naturally forms in the building and I see my role as the HR as one in which I ensure that this community is inclusive to diverse residents while still being a place where people can challenge one another and grow both personally and in their worldview. For me, McTyeire has been one of my primary communities on Vanderbilt’s campus and has truly played a key role in my understanding of myself, others, Vanderbilt, and the world.

Speaking from my personal experiences at Vanderbilt and from my time as an HR, I think one of the biggest pieces of advice I have for all Vanderbilt students and especially entering first-year students is to remember that a lot of people here are vested in your success.


Everybody’s Vanderbilt experience, regardless of outward appearance, is filled with failure and struggle – whether academically, socially, emotionally, or personally. And the important thing to remember in these times of self-doubt and internal turmoil is that there is a support network for you here even before you arrive. Whether it’s your RA, faculty, new friends, your VUceptor, or campus partners, there are so many people here who want to see you succeed. Don’t be afraid to show vulnerability and seek out help when you need it.


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