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Identity and Involvement Category

A Musical Journey

Jan. 28, 2019—Jordan Couceyro, ’20, Arts & Sciences Even though I’ve played piano since I was a kid, I’ve never really considered myself a musician. I’m not sure exactly why – I was fairly decent, and I really liked playing. I loved learning about and playing a wide variety of different styles, from classical to jazz to...

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Being Blair

Mar. 29, 2017—Katie Parcelli, ’18, Blair School of Music You may think being a Blair student means you are one of approximately 200 Vanderbilt students who studies music, but it means so much more. It means recognizing every face you see in the hallway. It means you have 30 people in your largest class and as few...

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Dreaming of Disney

Mar. 29, 2017—Maggie Wang, ’18, School of Engineering As a computer science major, the biggest assumption people make is that my only passion is coding. Even when I share that I am also a Fine Arts major, I am still labeled, first and foremost, an engineer. But, the last place you will find me is in Featheringill, typing...

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Mar. 29, 2017—Jalen Dansby, ’18, College of Arts and Science I loved Vandy even before coming here because of the phenomenal academics and opportunity to play football, but I quickly realized it has so much more to offer. After only a week of living in Gillette House, my peers encouraged me to run for house president. I embraced...

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