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‘School of Engineering’

Dreaming of Disney

Mar. 29, 2017—Maggie Wang, ’18, School of Engineering As a computer science major, the biggest assumption people make is that my only passion is coding. Even when I share that I am also a Fine Arts major, I am still labeled, first and foremost, an engineer. But, the last place you will find me is in Featheringill, typing...

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Mar. 29, 2017—Sparsh Gupta, ’18, School of Engineering, VUcept Executive Board The mantra for finding research opportunities on campus seems to be: “Ask and you shall find.” While I am happy to report this is true, the real challenge is finding a lab that is a good fit. During my first year at Vandy, I worked in...

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Mar. 29, 2017—Rebecca Riley, ’17,  School of Engineering Anyone who knows me can attest that I am perennially running ten minutes late. It was no different when I rolled into the Crawford House “Meet the Candidates” meeting last August. I checked out the board with the names of the candidates and, to my total surprise, saw my...

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Engineering: My Spanish Connection

Mar. 29, 2017—Alexander Plevka,  ’17, School of Engineering   An engineering student operates under the assumption of limitations. We are constrained by cost, time, materials, dimensions, force, weight, shear moduli – you get the point. We are taught in classes that technical problems are just that – technical. They are presented and solved in a nicely wrapped...

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