Assignment A-w6 on UML

Upload a PDF to Brightspace of a UML diagram that encodes the following information about a large retailer with multiple locations, as well as the retailer’s employees and customers. Give the UML consistent with the specification below. Do not try to improve upon the specification.

  • Locations are uniquely identified by a LocID, with additional attributes Address and Phone
  • Locations are either Stores or Warehouses, but not both
  • Warehouses make shipments to Stores, with dates and times of the shipments recorded too
  • Two shipments between the same Warehouse/Store pair cannot be recorded for the same time
  • Employees are uniquely identified by EID, with additional attributes Name and Phone
  • Employees are recorded as working at exactly one location, with an associated start date
  • Customers are uniquely identified by CID, with additional attributes Name and Address
  • Customers make purchases (transactions) at stores, with only one transaction possible at the same date and time

Your UML should be neat and formatted in Powerpoint or another presentation tool using the conventions that we have used in this course. Do not use abbreviations for cardinalities (e.g., ‘*’ all by itself), though you can use diamond symbols instead of 0..1 and 1..1 if you wish. Put your name at the top of the UML PDF.