Assignment: Human Centered Design

Do the following

Submit one PDF file on Blackboard with your answers for each question (and repeat the the text of question as a preface for each question). Also, make sure your name is at the top of the PDF file.

You can answer these questions “open book”.

1. In his article entitled “Human Centered Design Considered Harmful“, Don Norman writes

“The individual is a moving target. Design for the individual of today, and the design will be wrong tomorrow. Indeed, the more successful the product, the more that it will no longer be appropriate.”

In 50 words or less, describe an application that we have discussed in class in which a user for whom you are designing a database may not have sufficient foreknowledge of functionality that they will want the database to support in the future.

2. In 150 words or less, identify how the philosophy and practice of user-centered design, as reflected in the Wikipedia article of that name, can help with the activity-centered design advocated by Norman. Give one quote (bracketed by “ “) from each of the two articles (i.e., the Wikipedia article on User-Centered Design and Norman’s paper). The two quotes are included in your word count.