Final Exam Study Guide

The final exam is split into two parts — part 1 on Tuesday, April 18 and part 2 on Thursday, April 20 — both from 8:10 am to 9:25 am at ESB 048.

Part 1 (Tuesday) will be timed to be 60 minutes (recall that I give time estimates for each problem), but you will have all 75 minutes of class. If you finish early, then I invite you to do the online course evaluation, which may save you time on Thursday. Part 2 (Thursday) will be timed to be 45 minutes, but you will have at least 60 minutes on it in class. The remaining 15 minutes of class will be spent on course evaluations, unless you have already done them.

Part 1 will cover material that you were responsible for from weeks 1-10 as given on the course schedule, except for the readings and questions of Assignments 1-3. Material you are responsible for includes the video lectures, quizzes, in-class material and handouts, sample designs (e.g., here and even here), and most all material that is pointed at on the Schedule.

Part 2 will cover some of the same areas as part 1, but it will focus on

  • material from weeks 11-13 and
  • the material (readings and questions) from Assignments 1-3.

If you have not previously “cashed in” on the key for relational design exam questions from the past, you may still do so. For the Assignment 1-3 readings, focus on those aspects that are most relevant to the questions that were asked as part of those assignments.

Regarding Part 2, I have left some material up on the schedule, which we didn’t get to in sufficient depth, and for which you are not responsible, notably

  • “Query evaluation and optimization (1 and 2) listed under March 28 (In Class), and
  • Isolation Levels (7:47 + 1:44 + 4:55 + 3:15) under Transaction Tasks.