Group Assignment Table, Constraint, Trigger, View, and Query Definitions

Each group submits ONE Project PDF document, which includes a functional specification (possibly revised); followed by one UML (probably revised); followed by CREATE TABLE, CREATE TRIGGER, CREATE VIEW, and CREATE ASSERTION definitions; followed by SQL queries.

  • For the functional specifications follow the guidelines promulgated earlier. An opening paragraph should be an overview ofwhat the database is intended to support, with bullet items that follow on main categories of function. The functional specification focuses on what the DB is to support — it is NOT an English description of the DB itself — we have the UML for that.
  • UML diagrams cannot be hand-drawn, but should be done in Powerpoint (or similar tool that can be used to produce UML consistent with the class UML conventions). Use my own UMLs as examples of the neatness standard that I expect (e.g., university records, Book DB, Dorm energy DB).
  • The table and assertion definitions must be neat (no random line breaks), with comments as appropriate. The table and assertion definitions, in particular, should logically implement the UML diagram.
  • This deliverable will include at least two CREATE TRIGGER statements and at least two CREATE VIEW statements. The triggers can be INSTEAD OF triggers to implement operations on VIEWS, and/or BEFORE/AFTER triggers to approximate the conditions dictated by assertions. In the final deliverable, there will be additional triggers and views required.
  • This deliverable will include at least ten queries, at least two of which will include GROUP BY and HAVING clauses. This deliverable will include at least one INSERT and at least one DELETE. In the final deliverable, there will be additional queries required, as well as additional modification operators (INSERTs, DELETEs, UPDATEs).

Typically, comments on CREATE statements will be header comments, appearing before the CREATE, but in-line comments are fine too. In the header comments, identify primary authors of each CREATE statement and each query, and secondary reviewers of these CREATE and query statements. In the final deliverable, there are minimums defined on the definitions by individuals. Remember that you can find sample final projects from Spring 2015 under the Projects tab.