Assignment A-w1

Do exercise 3 at, but instead of writing a one page description, you will prepare one Powerpoint slide for each application. You will submit a SINGLE Powerpoint file on Brightspace that is formatted as follows:

  • Slide 1: Your name, your major, a short paragraph on your interests in AI
  • Slide 2: Application 1 (without a reference to your name)
  • Slide 3: Application 2 (without a reference to your name)

The TA will be assembling all of your slides into a collective Powerpoint presentation, with your first slides (with names) stripped off, and we will post this master list of applications for public display.

For each application, bullet points for points (a) and (g) are the only ones that are absolutely required, but you should endeavor to add a bullet point for each of (b) through (f) as well.