
Final grades will be assigned using the following intervals of your final weighted raw score (no rounding) by default:

  • [99.0, 100] A+ (if an A+ is allowed)
  • [93.0, 99) A
  • [90.0, 93) A-
  • [87.0, 90) B+
  • [83.0, 87) B
  • [80.0, 83) B-
  • [77.0, 80) C+
  • [73.0, 77) C
  • [70.0, 73) C-
  • [67.0, 70) D+
  • [63.0, 67) D
  • [60.0, 63) D-
  • [0, 60) F

The factors that go into grading and the weight given to each are:

  • Exams:  45 % (two exams during the regular semester, and a final exam)
  • Quizzes and Exercises: 15 %
  • Programming Assignments and Writeups: 25%
  • Discussion Forum Posts: 10%
  • Attendance: 5%


There are 28 TTh class meetings. Subtract from this the first day, which some who join the course late, will not attend; additionally, subtract 2 exam days (if you miss an exam day, without prior arrangements, it will count against your grade big time of course). This leaves 25 days that count towards attendance.

Each class of the remaining 25 meetings counts 0.20%. So, 0.20% * 25 = 5%

You can attend live or by Zoom. Attendance will be tracked through Top Hat, a cloud-based clicker system. Bring your laptop or other device.

Late Policy

The formal late policies for end-of-week-exercises and programming assignments is

  1. a 4 hour grace period
  2. 10% for up to 48 hours late
  3. 25% thereafter,

BUT, once the key is posted publicly, no late submissions will be accepted, regardless of the timetable above.