Week 5 on Logic and Theorem Proving

Post a reference to one of the following, together with a 100-150 word synopsis of the reference and your opinion of what is described in the reference.

  • A description of a fielded application that involves logic, notably theorem proving
  • An academic or industry logic and theorem proving conference, workshop, or symposia
  • A scenario of science fiction writing, television, or film that you believe illustrates logic and theorem proving, and very briefly how these methods is potentially relevant to the scenario
  • A demonstration site of a logic and theorem proving system
  • An online course that includes a substantial amount of logic and theorem proving material

Make sure that the reference is as specific as you can make it (e.g., a URL, together with a standard citation to the work, if available and applicable, and/or if the referenced work is not on the Web). If you cut and paste any part of the description, then make sure that quotes are used appropriately. If your post is all or mostly quoted material, or closely worded paraphrases, then you probably won’t get full credit. Your opinions and perspectives of the referenced work are important — not the particular views that you give, but the presence of some view, even if brief.