
Module 1


  • Course Overview
  • AI Overview
  • Agent Architectures

Readings and Video Lessons

Assignments and Quizzes

  • Assignment A-M1 online — est. 1.5 hours
  • Programming Assignment P-M1
  • Quiz Q-M1 online

Module 2


  • Uniformed Search

Readings and Video Lessons

Assignments and Quizzes:

  • Assignment A-M2  — est. 1.5 hours
  • Programming Assignment P-M2
  • Quiz Q-M2

Module 3


  • Heuristic Search

Readings and Video Lessons

Assignments and Quizzes

  • Assignment A-M3 — est. 1.5 hours
  • Programming Assignment P-M3
  • Quiz Q-M3

Module 4


  • Planning under Certainty

Readings and Video Lessons

Assignments and Quizzes

  • Assignment A-M4  — est. 1.5 hour
  • Programming Assignment P-M4
  • Quiz Q-M4

Module 5

Module Topics: 

  • Constraint-satisfaction
  • Optimization

Readings and Video Lessons

To Do before Thursday, September 13 class:

To Do After Thursday, September 13 class:

  • Assignment A-M5 — est. 3 hours
  • Programming Assignment P-M5
  • Quiz Q-M5

Module 6

Week’s Topics: 

  • Propositional inference and theorem proving

Readings and Video Lessons

Assignments and Quizzes

  • Assignment A-M6  — est. 2 hours 
  • Programming Assignment P-M6
  • Quiz Q-M6

Module 7


  • Adversarial Search

Readings and Video Lessons

  • No Discussion Forum Post
  • Study for Exam 1 — est. 4 hours (assuming that you have stayed up on material)

Assignments and Quizzes

Module 8


  • Machine Learning

Readings and Video Lessons

Assignments and Quizzes

  • Assignment A-M8 — est. 2.5 hours
  • Programming Assignment P-M8
  • Quiz Q-M8

Module 9


  • Uncertainty (Probability and belief networks)

Readings and Video Lessons

  • Read Chapter 8, sections 8.1 through 8.3 of ArtInt  — est. 1.5 hours
  • Watch Pre-class lectures on uncertainty (first three videos of entire playlist, but see below) — est. 1 hour
    • Pre-class lectures on Probability Basics as needed (accompanies Chapter 8, through 8.1.2). Read through 8.1.2 and/or watch video if you haven’t been previously introduced to probabilities, or want a refresher)
    • Pre-class lecture on expected values and utilities (accompanies section 8.1.4) — this material will already be familiar to some, but applications in video probably won’t be (slides only)
    • Pre-class lecture on Bayes Rule, chain rule, and independence (accompanies 8.1.3 and 8.2)
  • Watch Pre-class lecture playlist on learning with Naive Bayesian Classifiers (slides only). (this was an optional video in an earlier week; parts of this playlist repeat other videos for this week, so you might skip past these parts) — est. 1 hour
  • Take online quiz Q-w8 by 8:00 am October 9
  • Belief Network exercises

Assignments and Quizzes

  • Assignment A-M9 (This is formatted as a quiz on Brightspace with two submissions possible, and unlimited time per submission — all will be like this).
  • Programming Assignment P-M9
  • Quiz Q-M9

Module 10


  • Inference with belief networks

Readings and Video Lessons

Assignments and Quizzes

  • Assignment A-M10
  • Programming Assignment P-M10
  • Quiz Q-M10

Module 11


  • Sequential Inference

Readings and Video Lessons

Assignments and Quizzes

Module 12


  • Planning with uncertainty

Readings and Video Lessons

  • Practice exam (will receive key after uploading answers as text file to Brightspace)

Assignments and Quizzes

Module 13


  • First Order Representations

Readings and Video Lessons

Assignments and Quizzes

Module 14


  • Reinforcement Learning

Readings and Video Lessons

  • Lightly read Sections 9.4, 9.5 (up to and not incl 9.5.1) and 12.1 — est 1 hour
  • Guest lecture by Dr. Fernando Elliott on Reinforcement Learning (there will be no attendance taken, but there will be no Zoom recording of the session, and one or more questions from the lecture are guaranteed to be on the final exam). Dr. Elliott’s slides
  • Guest lecture by Professor Maithilee Kunda on Machine Learning (there will be no attendance taken, but there will be no Zoom recording of the session, and one or more questions from the lecture are guaranteed to be on the final exam)

Assignments and Quizzes

  • Assignment A-M14
  • Programming Assignment P-M14
  • Quiz Q-M14

Module 15


  • Special Topics
    • AI Story Telling
    • AI Sustainability
    • Integrative AI

Readings and Video Lessons

  • Read Section 16.2 on ethics and implications
  • Wikipedia editing Wednesday, November 28 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm FGH 244 (guidelines)
  • AI and Sustainability (slides)

Assignments and Quizzes

  • Assignment A-M15
  • Programming Assignment P-M15
  • Quiz Q-M15