Project Update (10/25/17) final formatting instructions

You will be submitting one file with all project code, including helper functions, and comments. As indicated in the project pages (first paragraph of

1) At the very top of the file, give your name and any declarations of help from that you received from anyone, such as “I received help from Mary on debugging an infinite loop…” Give each help declaration as a separate list item.

2) Still at the top of the file, but after your name and help declarations, give an architectural overview of you project code. This will be a paragraph or two, describing your system as a depth first regression planner, whether you have broken the schedule into multiple stages, whether you use a heuristic and an overview of what that heuristic is.

3) Following the architectural overview, comment on the function of your project. Did any test cases fail for which you thought a valid schedule existed? Did you modify the project specifications in any way? In this section, also list up to 10 test cases test cases (goal specifications + initial states) that you used to test your code on.

For each test case, state whether a valid plan was found or not (optionally state whether Brian Gauch’s auto grader, posted on Piazza, found the solution to be valid). Also, for each test case. give an estimate of the “wait” time for your planner to solve the problem (or not). In the November 29 deliverable I might have you properly instrument your code to find more precise execution times, but we are just looking for a ballpark response time for purposes of grading. List the test case solutions at the BOTTOM of the file.

4) The functions of your project code should be listed in a sensible ordering from top level functions, and helper functions at the end. Give header comments for each function. Code layout is important. Use indentation and line feeds to increase readability. Inline comments are sometimes valuable — use them as appropriate. You can post your thoughts on header comment form and content on Piazza.

5) If you want to illustrate schedules in some manner that can’t be done on the code listing file, then you can optionally upload a second PDF file (generated from Word, Powerpoint, etc)