Opening Survey

Cut and paste the text here into a txt or Word file, answer the questions, and upload to Brightspace. I may use this information to form teams, and this will count (very modestly) towards your individual contributions grade.

1. Name:

2. What AI courses have you taken before?

3. AI is concerned, in part, with modeling an environment, be it physical (e.g., geographic, other spatial, mechanical), biological (e.g., ecological, genetics), social (e.g. political, economic), historical (natural, societal), natural environment, etc. After reading the syllabus (to get a better sense of what the course project is, give 3-4 courses that you’ve taken that you think might be relevant to the modeling aspects of the project.

4. Are there other students in class that you would like to work with as team members? If so, then name them.