Project Paper References update

For the first in-class project update, prepare and submit a Powerpoint presentation under Assignments on Brightspace, The slides will be structured as follows.

  • Give full references of sources found so far
    • useĀ APA style (same as required for final paper)
    • give full references in meaningful clusters, if appropriate, so that some of you will not have a single linear list, but references that will inform different aspects of your paper will be shown within clear cluster boundaries (e.g., different slides; same slide with appropriate line spacing, some combination)
    • each cluster should have a meaningful label, perhaps corresponding to a section or subsection heading
    • references will be shown in black font, but if you list a reference more than once across clusters then show the second and subsequent references in red font.
    • clustered references will be the first one-to-few slides of your update
    • plan on talking about a minute about the clusters
  • pick two papers from the references that you give above, and prepare/present a single slide for each, using bulleted highlights for each. Plan on about a minute for each.

You will have up to 5 minutes minutes this time, and that includes questions. Check your spelling and grammar — it matters! This update is mainly to ensure that you are well on your way to exploring the literature. I have no doubt that you will continue to find additional references as the paper progresses.