Intermediate paper update

Prepare and upload two Powerpoint slide to Brightspace that gives

  • the title of your paper,
  • your name,
  • bullet points on progress since last update
    • number of words written,
    • figures and/or tables created (if any)
    • new references uncovered
    • other efforts done towards completion
    • paper writing and research challenges you face or have faced and that you would like class feedback on (you can always get feedback from only me — we’ll set up a meeting). Common challenges relate to
      • defining focus and staying on point
        • stating the paper’s topic early and clearly
      • concise writing to stay within length limits
      • synthesis across material
      • situating work within the existing literature
      • clearly stating the intended contribution of the work

You will have 5 minutes to update the class, and we’ll discuss after all have given their update.