Generic Critique Template

You will use this form to critique papers submitted by other students. Please be respectful and helpful in your comments. While this form is modeled roughly on a number of conference and proposal review forms, it includes no quantitative or qualitative rankings, as conference/proposal assessments would. Your critiques will be graded, but the grading of papers will not be based on student critiques. A Word version of the critique template is provided here.


Reviewer Name: optional

Paper Summary

In a few sentences summarize what the paper is about.


Scientific Contributions

What are the (potential) contributions of the paper (and its trajectory) to relevant scientific disciplines. These should include some near term contributions.


Societal Contributions

What are the (potential) contributions of the paper (and its trajectory) to society. These can include very far term potential contributions.


Related Research

Does the paper cite and discuss related research? Can you suggest related work not currently included in the paper? Can you give advice on situating the paper in the space of related work? Can you give advice on synthesizing the various works that were discussed.


Experimental Evaluation

If relevant, suggest additions to or revisions of the experimental (computational) studies reported by the paper. This can include assessments of studies by those other than the author.



Comment on the comprehensibility of the paper at all levels, including conceptual, organizational, and grammatical. Are important goals of the paper made early and clearly?


Future Work and Discussion

Was future research that is relevant, achievable, important, and otherwise reasonable laid out? Do you have suggestions for the author?


Other Comments

Give any other feedback that you have.