Paper Proposal

A proposal should be no more than 500 words (with exclusions, as listed below), in 12 pt Garamond font, with one inch margins all the way around. The proposal with include a paper title (which can change before the final submission) in Garamond 18pt font, your name, and a paper description.

For a critical survey and synthesis paper, without an implementation, include the following in the proposal.

  • Identify the area of study as specifically as is possible, spotlighting why this is in the intersection of computation and natural cognition.
  • Identify a tentative thesis (or theses) that your paper will explore
  • Sketch the focus of each section, and perhaps each subsection, along with a tentative (sub)section title
  • Give the sources that you have found so far (word count excluded from 500 word limit)
  • In no more than 150 words, excluded from 500 word limit, suggest a rubric by which I should grade your paper.

Include the same/analog points as above if your paper will report on an implemented system, by you or someone else, presumably with some additional points on the nature and limits of experimental studies that you will do with the system.