Form this page, you can download experimental materials, questionnaires, films and other research resources that you can freely use for your scholarly work. For commercial use, contact Daniel Levin.
Average faces. These are (better) variants of the luminance and contrast-matched Black and White average faces we used in Levin and Banaji (2006). Note that they are in .png format – use other formats at your own risk. Many formats use lossy compression that will change these faces in uncontrolled ways. Note also that the images are small (80×100 pixels). I don’t have good versions of these that are much larger, but they are small by design and work well at this size. Black face. White face.
When using these, cite:
Levin, D.T., & Banaji, M.R. (2006). Distortions in the perceived lightness of faces: The role of race categories. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 135, 501-512.
Behavioral prediction quesionnare. This is the behavioral prediction questionniare used in Levin et al (2013), Experiment 1. Variants were used in Hymel et al. (2011). Note that the 5th scenario was dropped from most subsequent experiments, and that some of the scenarios use slightly dated objects. Click here to download.
When using this, cite:
Levin, D.T., Killingsworth, S.S., Saylor, M.M., Gordon, S., & Kawamura, K. (2013). Tests of concepts about different kinds of minds: Predictions about the behavior of comptuers, robots, and people. Human-Computer Interaction. 28:2, 161-191.
Change Blindness Films. These films document old, and more recent change blindness experiments and can be viewed on Vimeo here, here, and here.
Cognitive Dissonance Questionnaire. This is the very simple questionniare we used in Levin et al (2013) to assess cognitive conflict during HRI (human-robot interaction). However, it is probably useful in a broad range of situations where you want to measure cognitive conflict induced by some specific setting or experiment. Click here for the pdf version, and here for the ms word version.
When using this, cite:
Levin, D.T., Harriott, C., Paul, N., Zhang, T, & Adams, J.A., (2013). Cognitive dissonance as a measure of reactions to human-robot interaction. Journal of Human-Robot Interaction, 2(3), 1-17.
ESP Video. This is short video I made (a long time ago) that documents Daryl Bem’s controversial ESP experiments. Is ESP for real? I doubt it, but Daryl is a respected methodologist so his research should probably not be dismissed out of hand. Follow this link to vimeo.
Visual metacognition questionnaire. This is the questionnaire we used in Levin and Angelone (2008). Its a basic powerpoint – it should be considered an experimental measure (its got a couple of very annoying typos in it…) Click here for the powerpoint of the questionnaire. Note that some questions are a strange format because we used it with scantrons but you should feel free to customize to meet your needs.
When using this, cite:
Levin, D.T., & Angelone, B.L. (2008). The visual metacognition questionnaire: A measure of intuitions about vision. American Journal of Psychology, 121, 451-472.
Supplementary materials for Baker, Hymel, & Levin (in revision). These are the stories and questions we used in this paper: Click here.
Baker, L.J., Hymel, A., & Levin, D.T. (in revision). Anthropomorphism and intentionality improve memory for events.
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