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Week of March 25

Posted by on Saturday, March 30, 2019 in Project Updates.

At long last, we decided to print out the first prototype. Previously we worked on getting the design aspects taken care of, but now we needed to ensure the physical dimensions and material would be appropriate. For this initial printing, we chose to work with the free, school-sponsored Design Studio in Featheringill Hall. They had hours and were conviently located to us engineers. Additionally, we printed out only side of the helmet, as we wanted to first see how a portion of the design would fare.

Our first two prototypes netted materials that differed in composition and dimensions, which was strange considering how we had sent in the same CAD files. However, as the old saying goes: the third time’s the charm; our third prototype, with a few dimensional alterations this time, produced a snug fit of the helmet’s side. With this design, we hope to show Dr. Walker and Dr. Byram a demonstration and receive their feedback.

Third prototype demonstration