

Tiki-Toki is a powerful web-based timeline platform that allows you to spatially glimpse through time in both two- and three-dimensions. With Tiki-Toki you will construct a timeline for this class that has four parts or ‘categories’. Each of these categories will represent one of the four spheres that we will address in this course. Within these individual categories you will add ‘events’, or little synopses that occur at that point in time. As the semester progresses and you add more to your timeline, you should begin to see the interconnectedness between each of the spheres addressed in this course. At periodic points throughout the semester, you will also include additions for large events in Earth history that involve interaction and feedbacks between spheres. For some of these events there are additional pages on this site setup to walk you through these stories in more detail. Within these pages are supplemental videos and readings on each of these topics. Also in these pages are quick multiple choice quizzes to help you better gauge your progress, and longer assignments that are turned in for points in lecture.

Below you will find a tutorial on how to get started in Tiki-Toki. Although the tutorial is setup to teach you step-by-step how to build these timelines, it is very basic and no comparison to you playing around on the website and exploring. Remember that you can only have ONE timeline with your free account. Within this single timeline, you may have multiple categories in which to place your events. Should you have any questions or concerns with this aspect of the course, don’t hesitate to email your professors.


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