Fashion Sustainability: Local to Global Practices and Possibilities



The fashion business, the sixth largest industry in the world, is desperately in need of innovative, transformative solutions enacted by educated consumers and professionals in a wide range of fields. The fashion industry connects to all of our lives, and to a wide array of disciplines on our campus. The topic of fashion sustainability impassioned us because we can see how the fashion industry has manipulated our shopping habits but, through making more conscious, educated decisions, we can enact positive change and provide innovative solutions. How can we educate ourselves and our peers about what fashion sustainability is and how practicing making more sustainable choices can add value to our lives while positively serving our planet and the human race. Questions include: What is fashion sustainability? What are sustainable versus non-sustainable fashion practices? How can we live a more sustainable life and improve the current state of the fashion industry in the interest of human rights and environmental activism? What action can we all take in order to create positive change and develop realistic, practical solutions to the problem of fashion sustainability that will serve as an example locally and globally?