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  • Comments: This is a program that has a similar idea to our solution for the given problem statement.
  • Comments: This article details how providing movement to mobility impaired children helps helps stimulate their cognitive development.
  • Comments: This article gave us some good insight into how providing power mobility to mobility impaired children can give them a sense of independence and should be done regularly.
  • Comments: This is the website to the preschool where we will be donating our project once it’s finished. The school combines classrooms of “typical” children with impaired children to give the impaired children a feeling of normalcy and social interaction.
  • Comments: This company makes mobility, rehabilitation, training, and support devices for the physically impaired. High Hopes has a couple of their products and they’re really great quality. We can get some ideas from the modifications they’ve made and put them into our project.
  • Comments: This company makes modified tricycles, customized for each person. “Our goal is to provide people with disabilities with all the classic benefits of riding a bike: mobility. strength, exercise, coordination, interaction with family and friends, and just pure fun!” High Hopes has a couple of these tricycles and they’re really all unique. Could get some cool ideas from this.
  • Comments: This video was of a presentation that taught people how to modify the circuitry for ride on cars for kids. Showed us the wiring for a 6V car and how the switch in the buttons work.
  • Comments: Showed a good demonstration of a handle bar modification in a ride on car. We could possibly implement something similar in our car. We would just have to make it attachable.
  • Comments: This video shows a small boy being motivated by music to push a big blue button. This is clear evidence that children with disabilities are motivated by music and can understand cause and effect with some rehabilitation.