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November, 2018

Progress Report 3 (11/15/18)

Nov. 15, 2018—Previous Goals   This past week, one of our goals was to continue our literature review, which was extended to include a patent search, to continue to build a base of knowledge on the relevant subjects and begin brainstorming possible design routes. Another goal was to complete block diagrams to layout the hardware, software, and...

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Weekly Meeting 3 (11/13/18)

Nov. 13, 2018—Progress Update Helpful to send materials by 9am at the latest on Tuesdays Lit review/patent search Oral Report Contains all important progress so far Components: Slide 5: overview so far–includes problem statement Slides 6-9: needs assessment Slide 10: Project approach Slides 11-12: timeline and lit review Slide 13: hardware block diagram Update slide: change colors...

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Electronic Sources

Nov. 13, 2018—Myoelectric Prostheses: Ottobock: Myoelectric Prosthesis 101.  “Myoelectric Prosthetics 101.” Ottobock., -Information from Ottobock about one of their myoelectric prostheses formatted for patients that are looking to purchase the system.  Includes explanation of how the system works and is powered as well as potential features.  Moving forward, this is an important source because the myoelectric...

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Weekly Meeting 2 (11/07/18)

Nov. 7, 2018—Updates Shipping arm tomorrow Literature Review In progress Begin a patent search Goal: to be done by the end of next week Send to Emily Questions Are the myoelectric controllers (myowaer muscle sensor) integrated into the prosthesis, or do we have to buy those along with the electrodes? Not necessarily the same for every device...

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Patent Landscape

Nov. 7, 2018—Patent Landscape- Force Based Controller for Myoelectric Prostheses Novelty of Device: Force-based controller Biomimetic muscle activity to hand posture coupling Dynamic, continuous proportional control Overview: A preliminary patent search yielded a fairly open patent landscape for this device. Among the patents found and considered relevant, the claims used were specific to the mechanical hardware of...

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Progress Report 2 (11/06/18)

Nov. 6, 2018—Previous Goals This past week, our goals were to schedule and have a phone call with our main point of contact to figure out shipping details for the prosthesis as well as a weekly check-in time. We also aimed to learn background information about our project both broadly and specifically—the larger scope of our project...

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Weekly Meeting 1 (11/01/18)

Nov. 1, 2018—Documentation Look into the verification and DHF and DSF files and what are the requirements from the Vanderbilt University requirements Overview of project: Two types of prostheses: body powered (functional and durable but don’t look like a hand and hard to perform complex motions) and myoelectric Myoelectrics: single range of motion, mechanics of the hand...

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