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Progress Report 3 (11/15/18)

Posted by on Thursday, November 15, 2018 in Notebook.

Previous Goals  

This past week, one of our goals was to continue our literature review, which was extended to include a patent search, to continue to build a base of knowledge on the relevant subjects and begin brainstorming possible design routes. Another goal was to complete block diagrams to layout the hardware, software, and theoretical implementations of future design work. Additionally, we needed to deliver our first oral report and begin procuring hardware through confirming the shipping of the prosthetic hand and acquiring purchasing forms.


Work Accomplished

The past week has been very productive for our team. We performed and generated our first oral report and outlined where we currently are in the design process. We identified how we can purchase hardware by discussing this aspect with Dr. Walker and are hoping to move forward with initial hardware needs soon. With this in mind, we researched possible hardware for our base-case design. This began with the creation of a block diagram for the hardware and circuitry pathway we hope to implement within our system. By visually studying this pathway, we were able to identify two major hardware needs, an independent EMG sensing microcontroller and an integration platform. Within those two schemes we researched possible solutions mostly within the arduino spectrum for ease of use. A patent search was completed with only one other force-based prosthesis controller identified, but the space that was discussed within this patent should not be infringed upon by our work. The literature review was continued with several resources identified regarding the major components of the project. This also allowed for the creation of a possible algorithm block diagram and identification of possible intent interpretation pathways. We also had a successful meeting with our advisor and discussed other possible action steps over the coming weeks.


Work Backlog/What Went Wrong

Prosthetic arm has not arrived yet

  • Prosthesis is still on its way, should now arrive by the end of the week
  • Is coming with a charger that should work but is borrowed – we will have to be very careful with it

EMG experimentation and data collection have been postponed

  • Team decided to delay lab work until we receive the arm and see what we’re working with physically
  • This step will now hopefully begin after we get back from Thanksgiving break and have the prosthesis

Still trying to get in touch with someone to submit request for expenses/ordering of materials

  • Visited the office last Thursday and the appropriate contact was out for jury duty – we now have our parts list ready and will check back after break


Plans for Next Week/How to Accomplish

Through the rest of the semester, we plan to:

Update Hardware Block Diagram to better represent process

  • Change colors to differentiate between different components

Reach out to professors in similar fields

  • Email Dr. Goldfarb
  • Email Dr. Withrow

Create Feedback loops for velocity vs force based prosthesis

  • Create new block diagram including feedback loops similar to those seen in system physiology

Look into possibilities for phantom muscle signals

  • Perform literature review of topic
  • Reach out to experts in the field
  • Brainstorm possible solutions

Investigate sampling frequency of arduino

  • Determine frequency of EMG
  • Insure that the sampling frequency of the arduino can be double that of the EMG frequency

EMG hand-posture investigation

  • Submit purchase request for materials
  • Obtain required materials including ECG pads
  • Coordinate time to use BME 4900W lab
  • Develop methods to collect data
  • Determine data needed to perform investigation