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Weekly Meeting 8 (2/04/19)

Posted by on Monday, February 4, 2019 in Notebook.

  • Prototype
    • 3D printed box to hold the battery and teensy board
    • In future iterations: might add curvature
  • Ottobock hand
    • Servicing will take a while (2-week delay)
    • Hand does not have a warranty
    • Ottobock still appears to be misunderstanding what the project is for
    • Worthwhile to send it to Ottobock
      • Make sure they know it is educational (no one will be wearing it)
      • It was a gift to a research lab
      • Should get an idea of cost and timeline
    • Can look into servo motor while hand is gone
      • Fairly expensive
    • There is another hand in the lab — no variable speed
      • Will need to buy interfacing post
  • EMG acquisition protocol
    • Electrode  layout — along the muscle
    • Flex wrist is the typical way amputees are taught to use their prosthetic device
  • Progress update:
    • Will start working on EMG experiments
    • Will submit Ottobock and for service
    • Will start working on software
      • Currently plan to use MATLAB
        • Allows us to use Simulink
        • Will use GitHub for version control
      • Have basic setup for PID
        • Testing different behaviors