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Weekly Meeting 12 (3/18/19)

Posted by on Monday, March 18, 2019 in Notebook.

  • Emg
    • Calculated SNR
      • Should consider co-contractions as signal, not noise
        • Should increase SNR values
  • Servo motor
    • Control angle
    • We should think about how you can compare servo motor to prosthetic
      • Prosthetic uses variable speed, servo does not
  • Ottobock
    • They will send us an address to send the arm this week
    • Will get appraised for how much fixing the arm would cost
  • LED shield
    • Have to order a new one this week
    • Cannot alter the maximum/minimum value
    • Good for repeatability but not for comparing between subjects
    • Good for demos
  • Control diagram
    • Operate w/ voltage
    • Angle dependencies
  • Alg Dev
    • Sampling
      • One of the myoware sensors consistently outputs much lower value than the other, so may be malfunctioning
        • Have tried switching muscles and comparing signals and it was still really low compared to what it should be, so we have purchased another one to replace the malfunctioning one
    • Pre-processing
    • Moving average
      • Tried to use on real data
      • Currently doing to good of a job at moving the average and currently continuing to output zero
      • Using 1% of incoming data (took from literature)
        • Myoware output does not appear to be sensitive enough for this
        • Will continue literature review
      • Emily has only heard of using five bins, not two, and then using actual average
      • Have to be careful with storage
      • Could try testing algorithm on already gathered data (static set of data)
        • Could try and compare different window widths
        • In Matlab can make appear to be streaming
          • For-loop
    • Have a meeting later today with Professor Goldfarb
      • Teaches Arduino based class