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SNR Recalculations

Posted by on Wednesday, April 3, 2019 in Notebook.

SNR values were previously recalculated given changes in baseline considerations from previous studies, as well as, with outputted data from the software preprocessing system to assess are ability to achieve similar SNR in real time, to that seen in previously manually filtered data. We found the values shown below which remained consistent with previous tests, suggesting validation of the implemented preprocessing step.

Extensor (in dB)

Subject 1: 41.5

Subject 2: 39.7

Subject 3: 58.5

Average: 46.6

Standard Deviation: 10


Flexor (in dB)

Subject 1: 40.71

Subject 2: 35.9

Subject 3: 35.3

Average: 37.3

Standard Deviation: 3